These electronic circuits, called filters, are primarily responsible for admitting some frequency components while rejecting others. Electric circuits or networks that contain passive components like a resistor, capacitor, or inductor are called passive circuits or networks.
Types of Active Filters:
The Interface-Filters-Active are categorised into four different categories,
- Low-pass active filter.
- High-pass active filter.
- Bandpass active filter.
- Band-stop filter that is active.
Low Pass Active Filter
An active low pass filter is one that exclusively accepts (passes) low frequency components while rejecting (blocking) any other high frequency components.
High Pass Active Filter
An active filter is referred to as an active high pass filter if it solely accepts (passes) high frequency components while rejecting (blocking) any other low frequency components.
Band Pass Active Filter
An active filter is referred to as an active band pass filter if it only permits (passes) one band of frequencies. This frequency range is typically located between the low frequency range and the high frequency range. Therefore, a band pass filter that is active rejects (blocks) both low and high frequency components.
Active Band Stop Filter
An active filter is referred to as an active band stop filter if it rejects (blocks) a certain band of frequencies. This frequency range is typically located between the low frequency range and the high frequency range. So both low and high frequency components are allowed (passed) by an active band stop filter.
The following are some of the undeniable benefits of Interface-Filters Active,
- No insertion loss has been encountered using active filters
- Allows the interstage seclusion for managing i/p and o/p resistivity
- They are more rational than passive filters
- The equipment assembled in these filters is reduced as compared to passive filters.
Applications of Interface-Filters-Active:
Active filters are typically used in the following:
- In communication systems, active filters reduce noise, isolate a signal's transmission from other channels, and enhance the distinct message signal from a modulated signal.
- The designers of instrumentation systems utilise these filters to choose the necessary frequency apparatus and separate the undesirable ones.
- Before converting analog signals to digital signals, these filters can reduce the bandwidth of the analog signals.
- Engineers employ analog filters in audio systems to convey different frequencies to different speakers. For instance, to regulate the frequency components in the music industry, record & playback apps are required.