USB Specifications

Understanding USB Specifications for Cables, Plugs, and Jacks

Introduction In today’s modern and interconnected world, USB (Universal Serial Bus) has become an indispensable technology for connecting devices and transferring data. With its ubiquity across various devices, understanding USB specifications for cables, plugs, and jacks is essential for consumers

USB-C Power Delivery

Boosting USB-C Power Delivery Speed: Quick Tips

Introduction USB-C devices have become the universal standard for connectivity and power delivery in today’s modern technological world. Its versatility and fast data transfer speeds make it an essential feature for laptops, smartphones, and other gadgets. However, to truly harness

wireless development kit

Bluetooth Low Energy Starter Development Kit

Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) was introduced in the Bluetooth 4.0 specification. Since its introduction in 2004, BLE has gained a lot of popularity since its introduction. This can be attributed to the fact that it maxes out

USB cables

High-Quality USB Cables: Do They Make a Big Difference?

Universal Serial Bus (USB) Charging smartphones has certainly become part of the daily activities to most of the people around the globe. In fact, many people have got their chargers plugged into the sockets and the USB cables plugged alongside.


Universal Serial Bus (USB) Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a port standard that has been around for close to 20 years now. USB standard defines connectors, cables and communication protocols for communication, power supply and theconnection between computers and other