5G Technology

What You Need to Know about 5G Technology for the Future

Introduction  5G technology is a game-changer in the realm of telecommunications, IoT, and mobile broadband, providing faster speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity. The rollout of 5G networks is ongoing worldwide–-bringing us closer to a more interconnected and technologically advanced

An Introduction to Class B Power Amplifiers

Introduction  Power amplifiers are significant components in the world of electronics–enhancing the amplitude of electrical signals to drive various devices such as speakers, transmitters, and more. Among the different classes of power amplifiers, Class B amplifiers stand out for their

MOSFET Modeling for High-Performance Analog Circuits

Introduction  The world of analog electronics relies heavily on the accurate modeling of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs). These tiny semiconductor devices are the building blocks of many high-performance analog circuits; however, any deviation from their ideal behaviour can introduce distortion,

Sustainable EV Charging with Renewable Energy

Introduction  The electrification of transportation has undoubtedly emerged as a critical solution to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. The electric vehicles (EVs) environmental benefits can only be fully realised when charged with renewable energy sources. This article presents

Power Supplies: A Guide to Modular Power Supplies 

Introduction  Power supplies serve as a backbone in any electronic system, providing the necessary voltage and current to ensure the proper functionality, stability, and reliability of electronic devices. Among their several forms and configurations, modular power supplies have gained robust

Power-Efficient Portable Devices

AI-driven Solutions for Power-Efficient Portable Devices

Introduction  Due to the increasing prevalence of portable electronic devices, energy efficiency has become a paramount concern. Users of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and wearables expect their devices to deliver high performance without constantly needing to recharge. To meet these demands,

Smart Sensors

The Role of Smart Sensor Solutions in Transformative Connectivity 

Introduction  The concept of connectivity has transcended traditional boundaries due to innovative solutions by powerful smart sensors that have enabled transformative connectivity across a range of industries. Smart sensor solutions involve integrating various devices, systems, and processes to create a

Raspberry Pi for Home Automation

Raspberry Pi for Home Automation and Integrations 

Introduction  Recently, home automation has gained significant traction–facilitating homeowners to control several aspects of their homes remotely and automatically. One of the most versatile and cost-effective tools for home automation and integrations is the Raspberry Pi–a versatile and affordable single-board

Single Extruder 3D Printer

How Color Mixing Works on a Single Extruder 3D Printer

Introduction  3D printing technology has undoubtedly created more advanced and intricate designs in terms of prototypes, functional parts, and artistic creations. One of the exciting developments in 3D printing is color mixing on a single extruder 3D printer. Traditionally, 3D


Cutting-Edge Developments in Sensor Electronics

Introduction In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, sensor electronics have become an integral part of gathering data and information from the physical world. These small devices–capable of detecting and measuring physical properties/changes in their environments, enable applications in industries spanning from