switch detector

Alps Electric World’s Smallest Detector Switches

Alps Electric Alps Electric is certainly the unsung hero of the engineering world. It’s the world’s leading manufacturer of electronic devices. Its supply’s more than 40000 components to several manufacturers around the globe. Alps Electric products are, however, not always


ITT Cannon Trident Cost-Effective Connectors

ITT Cannon Did you know that ITT Cannon’s connectors were used on the spaceship that made the first ever landing on the moon in 1969? Well, now you know! ITT cannon is a world leader in electronic connectors and interconnected

electrical temprature gauge grill

Choose the Best Indoor Electric Grill for Your Kitchen

Electric Grill Grilling is a long standing American tradition. It is often witnessed in birthdays, cook outs and family barbecues. Grilling can be actualized using a charcoal or electric grill. An electric grill can either be indoor or outdoor. Some

meat slicer

How to Choose the Best Meat Slicer

Meat Slicer The only thing that is better than a good knife is the meat slicer. It will save you hours of repetitive, tiring and arguably dangerous labor. The art of diligently slicing meat, cheese, and vegetables using your hand

TE Connectivity USB

TE Connectivity USB Type-C Connectors

TE Connectivity TE Connectivity recently hit the news across the globe for coming up with a way of creating labels and barcodes on-site by self-printing. This is not the first time TE Connectivity is hitting the news. In fact, TE


 IoT architecture With approximately 20.35 billion things connected to the internet as at 2017, IoT is certainly changing the way we interact with the world. They slowly taking over our homes, factories and even labs. There are numerous architectural approaches

Internet of Things

Internet of Things to be Powered By Energy Harvesting Devices

Internet of Things (IoT) How do you find the idea of interacting with your home as you would with a person? Imagine driving home on a very hot summer afternoon and instead of waiting to arrive home so as to

LED lights


Never before has a light source stirred such a degree of global attention. LED Lights have grabbed the attention of real estate engineers, technicians, designers and homeowners alike. The attention it is attracting is well deserved though. LED lights are

Step Recovery Diode Applications

A step Recovery diode (SRD) is a semiconductor that has a two terminal P-I-N junction, hence exhibits, special dynamic switching characteristics compared to the p-n junction diode. SRDs are also known as snap-off, memory varactor charge storage diodes. Owing to

LED lighting

Eliminating Flicker in LED Lighting Applications

Do you sometimes experience headaches, malaise or nausea when your light source has been on for a while? That could be because your LED lighting is flickering at certain frequencies causing you to experience these conditions. Types and effects of